Blog Posts
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Talking maths with our guest Dr. Marta del Olmo and New Year's lunch 📈🎉
We were very happy to welcome Dr. Marta del Olmo from Charité University Medical Hospital (Berlin, Germany) to our lab. During the Lab Meeting, Marta explained very nicely the power of mathematical modelling to help us answer biological questions....
Post · 11h
I Wrote My Way Out: Writing as Resistance
I wasn’t supposed to be here.
I was supposed to stay quiet, stay small, stay within the lines drawn for me. I was supposed to accept the world as it was, accept that the systems around me were immovable, accept that the way things have always be...
Post · 3d
LIS 526 Guest Lecture Links (6 February 2025)
This is a list of links to people and other things that came up in a guest lecture that I gave to LIS 526: Instructional Practices in Library and Information Services virtually at the University of Alberta's Digital Scholarship Centre on 6 Februar...
Post · 3d
Quand les institutions demandent notre travail mais pas nos voix
Il y a une forme d’épuisement particulière à être invité dans un espace, pour réaliser que ce qui était prioritaire, c’était votre présence, pas votre voix. L’attente était que vous soyez là, que vous remplissiez le quota, que vous soyez sur le pa...
Post · 3d
When Institutions Demand Our Labour but Not Our Voices
There is a particular kind of exhaustion that comes from being invited into a space only to realize that your presence was the priority, not your voice. The expectation was that you would show up, fill the quota, sit on the panel, make the institu...
Post · 3d